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Mary Magdalene Movie
Last week I (Pastor Andy) had the pleasure of previewing the NEW Mary Magdalene Movie. The overarching theme of the movie was incredible. It was as if the movie often chose to hedge towards the cultural norm of the times or our time over what the Gospel accounts give us. There is a reason the…
Worship Money & Being Woke
Often when it comes to worship, we choose many forms. The most overlooked expression by millennials and MEN in particular within the church is that of giving money. Even in the New Testament, it was the women who bankrolled Jesus. BIG shout out to the women at CityHill representing and holding it down. [Luke8:3] Here…
Nothing Matters More
Nothing matters more than sharing the Gospel. Period. If we believe it is true, what could be a better use of ones finite time on this Earth? “Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing…
The Struggle Israel
The Struggle Israel and has been for a long time. I was taking a walk with a teenage girl – relax – I was a youth worker it was my job. She called me Jesus, I guess it was the long hair and beard. She said… Jesus, do you believe in God? Hillarious. I started…
Viva La Feminists
CityHill has quite the feminists within its ranks. They helped us to kick off 2018 in style with our latest series Jesus Is A Feminist. IT has been one of my favourite series to date, the first week I (Andy) spoke, I was toying with the idea, but since men are a thorn in the…
Power Rangers
All my life I have grown up in and around church. As a kid growing up I loved watching tv shows like ThunderCats, He-Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers. What I have not appreciated so much is seeing that in Church. Take Power Rangers, they have these super cool watches on and all…
Exposing Patriarchy
My household is something of a Kardashian clan. Matriarchy is the norm and men are easily outnumbered by women with personalities larger than life. My grandmother, mother and aunties are all incredible women who lead their households with a furious and uncompromisingly gracious strength. Coming from this background, it was only normal for me to…
Mental Health and Prayer
Mental health and prayer, two of the most important topics. I was reading a post on the Guardian earlier today about spiritual abuse. It mentioned prayer, the dangers of prayer & mental health. It was highlighting some shocking cases of abuse in the UK from research by a Christian Think Tank. One feature of the…
Jesus Is A Feminist – Playlist
Songs for Feminists. Get into the groove of the NEW series at CityHill ‘Jesus Is a Feminist.’ People say you are what you eat. Well, you are also what you hear. So for the month of January, we are getting our jam on with some of the biggest feminist anthems on the planet. Get in…
Where Do You Sit?
Faith and cynicism. Scoffing was something that was portrayed as being a mature Christian when I was growing up in Church. But it is anything but. Where do you sit? Is probably not a question we ask very often. In the first Psalm, a picture is painted of someone who ‘walks not in the counsel…