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Wow, what a Sunday at CityHill. I personally missed the talk as I was out with CityLite, boy did we have an awesome time. But once I got home I had time to edit Andre’s talk before uploading it for our podcast. Can I just say WHAT A WORD that was, I mean wow? Solipsism…
Do You Belieb It?
[The Tale Of The Sermon Take Down – Sunday 23/08/2017] The world around us is full of Paradigms, truths hidden in plain sight. Today we are going to run through a powerful message in DJ Snake ft Justin Bieber ‘Let Me Love You’. [If you would like to listen to the sermon please scroll down…
Daryl Davis Is Our Hero…
So it turns out the message preached this Sunday has been lived out by none other than Sir Daryl Davis. What. A. Hero. This Sunday we were inspired by ‘Say Something Loving’ a brilliant song by The XX. The times show troubling signs, not just on the political scene, but in communities all over the…
Happy Fathers Day @ #Grenfell
What a week… I don’t know about you, but I have Grenfell on my mind. It just won’t go away. I want it to, and I don’t want it to at the same time… Our current series HEROES has been amazing. Week 1 we spoke about Hulk, the anger and how to channel it. Do…
Je Suis The Light Of The World #JeSuisJesus
Je Suis Light Of The World This Sunday we have brought back the silent sermon, plug your headphones in sit back, relax and take things at your own pace or plug in a splitter and listen together with a friend.
Happy New Year Message
2016 is just hours away and the hype is unavoidable online. Timelines full of celebrations of the past year, but expectancy reaches fever pitch believing that 2016 will bring about something remarkably more special. Now, I love a new year as much as I love a fresh new notebook to write in. But I find…
#KarmaShemaDrama In Texas
Last week Pastor Andy preached at Revolution Church in San Antonio, Texas. It was an incredible time focused on the message from Andy’s book the ‘Karma Shema Drama’ and God moved greatly. You can watch the message online below…
Silent Sermon
#SilentSermon This Sunday is a CityHill first. We are having our first silent sermon. On Sunday morning the talk will be made available via video on the CityHill website, but the link will only be shared at the service. After a time of corporate worship, follow the Sunday sermon at your own pace. All you…
Pastor Andy has written book called ‘KARMA SHEMA DRAMA.’ The KARMA SHEMA DRAMA is a book that is a call back to an ancient Hebrew tradition called the ‘SHEMA’. SHEMA means to hear, and what God wanted us to hear was a call to live lives over flowing with the life changing power of God’s…
Blame – The Gospel According To Calvin Harris
“Guilt is burning, Inside I’m hurting, This aint a feeling I can keep…” This just strikes such a cord doesn’t it? Isn’t that how each of us feels at some stage or another… “Blame it on the night, don’t blame it on me…” This is our generations biggest problem, no, not the night, but the…