Prophetic Worship
10:30 AM Service Hijacked…
Every now and then we love to throw a curve ball. Just when you thought it was safe to go into the water. Church had become predictable…
Then this Sunday happened.
Two important bits of information our 10:30 AM service has been hijacked we are going to be having a time of prophetic worship with Lyanna Austin. Sometimes it is hard to find the words, to express ourselves, we need to connect with someone else’s encounter and allow it to lead us into our own.
God inhabits the praises of His people. Let God come alive in each and everyone of us…
This Sunday we will come together, tune in, maybe sit and let a song be sung over you. Meditate and allow God to make your heart full again. Cry, weep, laugh. Enjoy the healing and empowering of God by Holy Spirit.
Whatever it is you need, God knows even before you ask.
4 PM Bible Book Club
Sunday at 4 PM sees us launch into our second book at the Bible Book Club. We are exploring John’s Gospel. This week we are discussing John chapters 1-4.
At a time of such great uncertainty, Brexit, Covid-19 and the international issue of racism. We need to now more than ever to fix our eyes so closely to Jesus. Jesus is the living embodiment of God amongst the human race, in human flesh. He can model to us how to live in this most perilous of times in many incredible ways.
As a collective let us reveal and encounter the powerful message of the Gospel in our context, from its context.
The last series journeying through the book of Ezra was fantastic. You will not want to miss it, you will miss out!
Join us 4 PM on Zoom password 050878
God bless,
Pastor Andy