The Kingdom Has A King
Israel watched many kings come and go. The good, the bad and the ugly. It was like Game of Thrones, but of Biblical proportions. There was constant prophecy; the promise of something more…
Easter is coming
Prophets foretold a newly anointed king who would usher in the new age.
“Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom,” – Isaiah 9:7
Wise men came from the east to bring gifts to the new king of the Jews.
“Where is he who has been born king of the Jews?” – Matthew 2:2
This inscription was written in mockery above Jesus as he hung on the cross;
“This is the King of the Jews.” – Matthew 27:37
In Revelation, the king returns on a White Horse, coming in glory and power;
“King of Kings and Lord of Lords.” – Revelation 19:16
John the Baptist preached the ‘kingdom of heaven was at hand.’ Jesus carried the baton on from John and preached that same message. Jesus then gave this message to the twelve and sent them out to cleanse, heal, resurrect and set free. Jesus made the Kingdom of Heaven available to all humanity through his death and resurrection. Easter is the time of year when we remember that Jesus died on the cross for the sins of humanity. Jesus, the saviour king.
Jesus on the cross & Jesus on the throne
Today many are comfortable with Jesus on the cross but have become uncomfortable with Jesus on the throne. We receive Jesus as saviour, but we also welcome him as LORD & as our king. He is the King of the Kingdom.
This April, join us to explore what kind of a King Jesus is!