Street Team

Join our street team, it is a once a month commitment and costs £20. You get an awesome CityHill jacket too. The £20 charge is for 2 reasons, firstly that is covers the cost of the jacket and the materials we have printed to hand out and the second reason is when people volunteer free, they drop out just as easily as it hasn’t cost them any thing there is no value.


We have had flyers produced to advertise our Sunday service as well as a local special offer and a free download. The thinking behind this is that if some one we meet on the street has no desire to know about CityHill or Church, they can still gain from the free music download or the local special offer.

As a Church we are called to be a blessing to our local community and one of our expressions of doing that is by supporting local independent businesses.

If you are interested please contact us at : clapham.cityhill [at]

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