Power Rangers
All my life I have grown up in and around church. As a kid growing up I loved watching tv shows like ThunderCats, He-Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers. What I have not appreciated so much is seeing that in Church.
Take Power Rangers, they have these super cool watches on and all of a sudden when they press them and they power up. I remember being the speaker at an event and this cool guy was chatting with me. He was so down to earth and using normal language and every day vernacular. Then he got up the front and said – ‘can I have A, can I have A, can I have A pulpit pleassseeeaaa…’
The watch had been pressed and there before our eyes stood before us what I have come to call a Power Ranger.
The idea God could want to use someone like you, na. Not acceptable. We need an alter ego. The “anointing” doesn’t embrace you – it creates someone else. This is a partial truth. God does create a new you, but we don’t need to front. Let God be God.
Deep down inside we believe we are not enough. That God cannot or will not work with us in partnership with us being us. That is good news that we believe is just too good to be true.
It is true. We are Power Rangers, but all the time. Not two split personas, but one consistent genuine new creation. That is not down to your performance, we all slip up and make mistakes it is allowing Him to shine through all those mistakes.
That is where your true power lies.
So they picked up Jonah and hurled him into the sea, tand the sea ceased from its raging. 16 Then the men feared the LORD exceedingly, uand they offered a sacrifice to the LORD vand made vows.
Jonah 1:15&16
For me this is Jonah’s finest hour, he previous to the verse shared his sin and failure, then in an act of public repentance, the storm in his life is quelled for all to see. Those who witness this, make VOWS to God. Your power is your weakness which is God’s strength. You do are not called to suit up, but to strip down, to reveal the raw and the real.
It is time to POWER UP, but really it feels like POWERING DOWN.
Power Up With Us This Sunday
CityHill London is a NEW and fresh Church experience. Your welcome to come and power down with us this Sunday. Be you. Guilt FREE and Graceful. Click here to plan your visit, we look forward to seeing you with us on Sunday.