Jesus Is A Feminist
Jesus is a feminist – what a way to kick of 2018. Jesus is often very misunderstood. That happens a lot when the culture changes so fast. His story is set over 2000 years ago, we read it through our culture and context today and wonder why so much gets lost in translation.
Jesus is a feminist
We are going to take a look at 4 key moments in the New Testament where the text shows us something radical and timeless if only we will give it the focused attention the text craves.
Join us throughout the month of January as we explore some amazing interactions Jesus has with women. Interactions that can change the whole way that we see God and humankind interacting. He shatters the culture and context of His time. Placing the destiny of His purpose and plans, in the powerful hands of women.
By the way, he is still about that today.
You’re Welcome At CityHill London
At CityHill we see all in the image of God. That is why we are so excited about this series, it is not a women’s conference, women running off and talking about women’s issues somewhere else. Men are the biggest problem women face – that means this is a series all need to hear. We are all apart of the conversation and need to grow, move and change together.
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