God Of The Universe

If God is God, then God is the…

God of the Universe

Are God and science compatible? Do they have to be at odds all the time? If so, why does that tend to be the case in society today?

Can they co-exist in the same space? I believe not only they can, but it critical that they do. Fundamentally all human beings believe in Human Consciousness – which cannot be proved by science. Then there is pain, which also has not been. But it does not end there, what about love? Science cannot prove the one thing every single one of us craves.

I am not surprised they cannot prove love, God is love…

We are two weeks into our current series ‘God Of Science’ week 1 we looked at the God whose Gospel Quantumly Entangles us. Is the universe finely tuned for us to exist? But what then does it mean to truly be alive?

Stay tuned as we have some really special topics planned for the next couple of weeks…

Church Clapham Common

CityHill Church Clapham Common is a fantastic unique environment intentionally designed for 3 types of people. 1. Those who have never been to church before! 2. Those who ditched church! 3. Those who are at a church, but it just is not making much sense anymore. If you would like to visit CityHill why not plan your visit so that we can make it extra special for you.