Care for the Family

Care For The Family is an incredible organisation with fantastic resources to support families all shapes and sizes. Whether you are a single Mother, parenting a child with learning disabilities or being a parent for the very first time, there is something for everyone. We want to see our families grow from strength to strength. So keep and eye out as we awill be sharing more resources in the future.

But for today I wanted to share 3 that you can connect with on your commute to work, whilst doing the housework, or at the gym. Care For The Family has three fantastic podcasts jam-packed with great advice parents of primary years children, raising teenagers and not to mention one fo help your marriage go from strength to strength.

Just click on the images below to go straight to the relevant podcast.

Primary Kids

At every stage in life, there is this shift and fear of not knowing what is next and how to transition. Just as you are settled into your routine it is all change. We all hate change, but it is coming let’s get prepared and be in the know to help our children flourish.

Raising Teens

Covers such a wide range of topics, often as parents we do not know what is out there. Times have changed and we need to stay clued up to best prepare, safe guard and help our children flourish. All of that whilst going through the minefield of teen life.


We block out time to chase our dreams. We work on projects knowing if do not give them enough energy, money, time and dedication they will never be what we hope. Marriage is the same. Take some time to learn from the wisdom of others to see your marriage become all you ever dreamed of.
This is just the first of many resources we are going to be highlighting at CityHill from Care For The Family. Have a listen and let us know what you think. For any parents whose kids attend CityLite at CityHill who would like to know about if there are resources for a specific need they have please email us