Christmas 2021 At CityHill
Christmas 2021 will be a unique experience at CityHill, unlike any that have come before. Earlier in the year we changed the format of our Sunday church services. We believed this would help to make our church experience more accessible. Whilst also allowing for a greater depth of experience and interaction.
The first Sunday of each month is dedicated to preaching, the second to learning visually & collaboratively, third Sunday is centred on prayer, fourth Sunday is sung worship and finally on the months that are five weeks long, we have a discipleship Sunday.
That means throughout December we have got three fantastic weeks of Church waiting for you, making this our best Christmas yet..
December 5th NEW SERIES ‘Among Us’ Preaching
Chances are if you have a child between the ages 10-14 you will have heard of the game Among Us. Among us is a game set on a space station that is broken. The players are trying to repair the station. But one of them is an imposter, whose job it is to secretly kill off the other players. The players vote each round to try and uncover the imposter. They are looking for anything SUS (suspect) about the players that may serve as a clue to reveal they are an imposter.
Isaiah prophesied that the Christ would be called Immanuel, meaning God with us. That is why for December 2021 we are doing our series ‘Among Us.’
This Christmas throughout December we are going to be looking for anything that is SUS… about Jesus. Is he different? Does anything stand out?
December 12th Christmas Carols + Learning
The second Sunday in December will be a CityHill first, we will have both Worship and Christmas Carols joining us on the second Sunday of the month. This is going to be an incredibly unique & special Sunday experience.
December 19th Prayerful Fun & Games + CityLite Kids Party
Our final service in December will be a very playful Sunday and not just for the adults, but for the kids as well. We have got our infamous CityLite Christmas party. Here is what you can expect – games, art and craft, a short inspirational talk and giveaways. Register your child for the CityLite Party here…