Worship Money & Being Woke
Often when it comes to worship, we choose many forms. The most overlooked expression by millennials and MEN in particular within the church is that of giving money. Even in the New Testament, it was the women who bankrolled Jesus. BIG shout out to the women at CityHill representing and holding it down. [Luke8:3]
Here is the truth…
“EVERYONE worships with their money. Some of us choose to worship Jesus, OTHERS worship someone else!” – Andy Gray
IT never ever has been a question of whether you worship with your money. The question has only ever been WHO you worship with your money.
People have been confused by CityHill and our approach to money, I think it is because we have NEVER taken an offering on a Sunday. They draw the conclusion that we are anti giving. Let me be clear, we are pro giving, we love worshipping God – with all that we are and have. Be that serving on a team, sharing faith in the week or giving financially we are about that LIFE. Just because we do not do what everyone else does, does not mean our values are inherently different, it is just a differing approach or expression of those same traditions and values.
We Have To Talk About This
CityHill cannot be a church without talking about money and giving. We cannot be a people being conformed into the image of His Son, and not be committed to seeing a narcissistic generation delivered from their slavery + worship of Mammon. That would not make any sense at all.
Some say I don’t give to church for XYZ, I give to a charity, that is a great and healthy step. But I just want to take a moment to highlight the USP (Unique Selling Point) of the church.
Who remembers Oxfam’s…
“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Give a man the means to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
The Church is unique because its central mission transcends that…
The Primary mission of the church is to feed people for eternity!
When you give to the church that is what you are giving towards. Your church may do some awesome community initiatives, it may feed people, but people all die. Now what? You spent all your resource extending that which you cannot extend. You may do amazing youth work. Great. But even if you have a solid gang outreach and stop some guys carrying knives, which don’t get me wrong, that is fantastic. But what is greater imminent or the eternal? There is also an amazing by-product of the Gospel, it transforms people here and now, they live differently. The Gospel produces sustainable change here and now – PLUS it stretches on into eternity.
Even if we want transformation here and now in our community – it is the Gospel that will bring that transformation. It is still the hope for all humankind.
The ultimate mission is the great commission, it is the mission that God became flesh and blood and was crucified for. Jesus died for. Jesus rose again for. Jesus sent Holy Spirit to empower us for.
Why I Give
When I give to my church CityHill – I am giving so that people far from God can find life in Christ. I am giving because I want to see the prodigals come home. Do I give to other charities? YES of course. But I give my best, my sacrificial giving, the largest and best to God. I do this because I am not a short-term solutions guy. In the charity sector organisations are always talking about sustainability. The Church is unique in that what we offer transcends – into a realm of true and absolute sustainability – it reaches on into eternity.
That was the day I became WOKE that was the day Jesus set me free from my greed and sin in a NEW way. Whether you go to CityHill or another church, start giving to God by giving to your church. Going to the prayer meeting to be face down crying with snot everywhere for God to reach people in your nation, for revival while not giving any money makes 0 – Nil – Nada – No – Zero sense.
Stay woke!