
“Vapour of vapours, says the Preacher, vapour of vapours! All is VAPOUR!”
– King Solomon – Ecclesiastes 1:2

Mental Health

October 10th was World Mental Health Day. 5,827 people committed suicide in the UK in 2017, we can expect around the same figure again, or even, sadly, a rise. 75% of those were male. Suicide is the biggest cause of death amongst 20-49-year-old males. A key contributor to suicide amongst men is a feeling that they mean less. It scares me that often it is things that are meaningless, that make us feel we mean less. Men crave meaning and a sense of purpose so deeply. But the goal posts for what gives us meaning in our culture has moved from the significant to the superfluous.

Holding down a job & providing -> ABanging Instagram account????

We are losing the plot big time and it has devastating consequences. Can we experience a shift? Can we help cause the shift? Is God looking for partners in this? Yes, Yes & Yes.

Writing On The Wall

King Belshazzar was running the most powerful empire. Yet at his party, a hand appeared and wrote on the wall.

You Have Been Weighed & Have Been Found Wanting…

How can a King, when weighed, be found wanting?

We still rate kings and queens, nowadays they are celebrities. We weigh fame, fortune, celebrity & social media as things to hold our value in. I believe God is writing on the walls again. We have been weighed as a culture & have been found wanting.


The Hebrew word for glory finds its meaning in the word weight. Solomon looks around as the richest man alive and sees it is all as vapour.

Join us the month of November as we invite God to take us on a journey, school & search us like He did Solomon…

Are we banking all that we are on VAPOUR?

My prayer is that through the course of the series we will see through the VAPOUR and find the weight of Glory God has apportioned to us.