Tag / Jesus
Blame – The Gospel According To Calvin Harris
“Guilt is burning, Inside I’m hurting, This aint a feeling I can keep…” This just strikes such a cord doesn’t it? Isn’t that how each of us feels at some stage or another… “Blame it on the night, don’t blame it on me…” This is our generations biggest problem, no, not the night, but the…
CityHill Big Brother
Big Brother For the month of July we did our very own rendition of Big Brother. We had four housemates from the Bible; Joseph, Jeremiah, Martha and Jezebel. Each week on the CityHill Facebook page and Twitter account people voted out the house mate they wanted evicted. You can listen here below to each of…
So on Twitter people can verify their accounts to show the world they are who they say they are, so that those following can know for certain it is that person. In life there are a number of things one needs to verify. If Jesus claims are true then they would be some thing that…
Jesus spoke about a Kingdom, His Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven and also spoke of a NEW Heaven and a New EARTH. A new ERA is coming and for this series we will be exploring what Jesus says that will look like! New Era
The CityHill Science Lab
At CityHill we have had some fantastic Sunday’s with some fairly unique views on the scriptures as well as their possible relation to some of the view of modern science, have a listen and let us know what you think… Meet Thomas {Richard Dawkins} J String Theory New Dimension
Top 3 Talks…
Here are our 3 most listened to talks on Soundcloud… 1. Meet Thomash (Richard Dawkins) #MeetTheInterns As part of our series #MeetTheInterns we looked at for of Jesus interns and what we could learn from them. In our society we can probably most easily identify with Thomas Jesus intern that doubted we all have doubt…
One Reborn Every Minute
For Easter we look at what it means to be Reborn, after all Jesus said one must be reborn to enter the Kingdom of God… One Reborn Every Minute
I could never have known the life changing events that were going to take place as a result of visiting a C3Global meet in London. The idea on the table was the chance for UK churches to twin with Churches in the States. In July 2013 Pastors Zak and Amber White from Revolution Church in…
Christmas is coming… In our society there are two faces associated with Christmas, we have a white bearded fat man called Father Christmas and the other Jesus. Jesus would like FaceTime… It is funny the things our phones can do now days. The options we have when we get a call, remind me later or…
Made In His Image
For November we are looking at being made in the image of God and what that means in every day life. We have got some exciting guests over the course of the series, James Beatt (who plays bass for Emeli Sande), Adam Pearson (who is in a film with Scarlett Johanson), Alisha White (from Britain…