Tag / change
Blame – The Gospel According To Calvin Harris
“Guilt is burning, Inside I’m hurting, This aint a feeling I can keep…” This just strikes such a cord doesn’t it? Isn’t that how each of us feels at some stage or another… “Blame it on the night, don’t blame it on me…” This is our generations biggest problem, no, not the night, but the…
One Reborn Every Minute
For Easter we look at what it means to be Reborn, after all Jesus said one must be reborn to enter the Kingdom of God… One Reborn Every Minute
Over the course of the four weeks the Revolution series shared some of the plans God has for CityHill… This is a time for us to aline ourselves with the vision and play our part. At CityHill every one has a part to play, no one is redundant… Revolution
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