Happy New Year Message
2016 is just hours away and the hype is unavoidable online. Timelines full of celebrations of the past year, but expectancy reaches fever pitch believing that 2016 will bring about something remarkably more special.
Now, I love a new year as much as I love a fresh new notebook to write in. But I find it sad that for so many who follow Jesus, that this is what it takes to feel renewed hope and purpose. New Year, has become this huge spiritual event. Some I speak to are scared to go anywhere other than church to celebrate entering the new year incase it would some how jinx 2016 and the favour of God would not be theirs. It is insane.
We have just finished celebrating Christmas, which is really all about Easter which is The Resurrection. Once you believe in resurrection, New Year is no sacred moment, but, New birth is…
One of my favourite scriptures found in Eikkah (Lamentations) chapter 3 verses 22 to 24…
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“therefore I will hope in him.”
May we be reminded that “His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning;” the feeling of hope is not something to be aware of once a year. It is to be embraced each and every day of our lives.
There is a daily hope that we need to open ourselves to…
When you tie that scripture, found in a poem written as an expression of a people suffering the most brutal and depraved treatment, with the real fulfilment in Jesus and ressurection. You really do have a hope that transcends all situations at hand each and everyday.
Let us live reminded daily that His mercies never cease, they are new every morning. His love is certain and it is not going away it has been given for all eternity in Jesus. Let that light up our lives…