
As you may have heard we are launching groups at CityHill London in September. Groups are designed for fellowship, growth and invitation. If you would like to join a group make sure you sign up and register your interest before the end of July.

Groups is a chance to meet and discuss life changing content together.

Groups will meet in homes and have a time of fellowship, teaching, discussion and prayer.

The opportunity to join a group will close at the end of July. Groups will run weekly for 10 weeks, during that period we will not allow anyone new to join a group. After the 10 weeks have concluded we will have a break before restarting again.

Those in a group will be able to invite friends & family that do not attend CityHill. Groups will be a safe space for invitation & exploration of faith practically lived out.

If you would like to join a group please just click this link and complete the registration form.