In Rhodes there was a famed statue called COLOSSUS, it was a statue of the greek god of the sun that stood 30 meters high as one of the tallest statues in the ancient world. The statue also is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient world.

a statue that is much bigger than life size.
“two statues known as the Colossi of Memnon”
a person or thing of enormous size, importance, or ability.
“the Russian Empire was the colossus of European politics”

During this series we want to find out what it takes for us to be able to stand tall and leave a lasting legacy long after we are dead and gone. We will be studying a chapter each week from a letter written by St Paul to the church in Colssae. The letter is called Colossians, Colssae was destroyed by earthquakes and so too was Colossus, but the tremors of this letter are still felt throughout the world today.

This series will literally be COLOSSAL, the only question is, will you be?