CityLite Website
Last month we announced at our services, that we would be launching a website for CityLite.
The Dilemma
Churches tend to have children’s and youth workers, parents believe the youth workers or children’s workers are discipling their kids. The youth and children’s workers are believing the parents are doing it. Leaving a vacuum.
A Solution
At CityHill we wanted to create a space where we can share the latest series so that parents can see what activities their kids are doing. What they are learning so that they can widen the discussion and at home. An online space where we can review good Christian products, share good conversation starters, downloadable resources & fantastic activities to do with our kids.
It’s Live
The website is now live, it has a couple of posts. We will obviously each month be adding content. If there are any resources that you know and would like to see reviewed. Let us know.
Discipleship of the children at CityHill is a partnership we are all in this together, let’s learn from one another and collaborate for the best for all the children at CityHill London.