Viva La Feminists
CityHill has quite the feminists within its ranks. They helped us to kick off 2018 in style with our latest series Jesus Is A Feminist. IT has been one of my favourite series to date, the first week I (Andy) spoke, I was toying with the idea, but since men are a thorn in the side of women everywhere. I decided it was important to be actively involved in being an agent of change. Men need to get into the feminist game, to truly love and celebrate women for all that they are.
Let’s take a moment to celebrate the amazing women who spoke so powerfully that made this series as awesome as it was…
Jemilea was the star of week two with her message looking back at the historical context to help set the scene. Later sharing some incredible observations from the resurrection of Lazarus.
Tag team preaching is never easy, but Katrena and Justina were incredible and made it look like a piece of cake. I have to admit the moment they laid out printouts on all the tables of a woman’s cycle, I was more than curious to see how this was going to go down. They shared some points on the woman with the issue of blood in the New Testament that I had never really given thought to. Such a powerful message.
Our final Sunday to wrap up the series we had Jendela as a special guest speaker. Wow, what a Sunday the background contextual information was so insightful, it was amazing to hear of the critical role played by women at the resurrection.
To listen to the series just click play on the player below…
At CityHill we see all in the image of God. That is why we are so excited about this series, it is not a women’s conference, women running off and talking about women’s issues somewhere else. Men are the biggest problem women face – that means this is a series all need to hear. We are all apart of the conversation and need to grow, move and change together.
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