No Filters Continues
Join us at 10:30 AM Sunday May 17th live on our Instagram as we continue our mini series #NoFilter.
[If you missed last Sunday’s message you can hear it on the IGTV tab on our Instagram profile.]
We all see the world around us through different filters. How we see the world around us dictates how we will interact with it.
Will we see ourselves as God sees us?
Do we see ourselves as being, fixed, ie: this is all I can be. I just am this way, this is how it will always be and there is just no changing it.
Are you stuck with labels from childhood? Something someone once said to you way back when that stuck with you?
Ever been told you are not good at that? But had you ever done that before? shouldn’t you try something for a sustained period before coming to such a damning conclusion?
How do you see your own identity?
Further more, how does God see you?
I am going to look at someone in the Bible who was stuck with an identity issue from birth. As their story unfolds, I pray mine and yours will also.
See you there and bring some friends.
God bless,