Set Me As A Seal

This Sunday we conclude our series journeying through Song of Solomon. What a fantastic time we have had so far going through the series. If you want to listen to previous talks, click here…

‘Song Of Solomon’ teaching series at CityHill London

The Talk coming this Sunday is going to be pretty unique. Today as I have been writing the talk there has been a worship song in my heart all day. I want to share with you today the song on Spotify ‘You Won’t Relent’ it is a beautiful song and has some lyrics that will be intertwined with the message this weekend. Have a listen and I hope it blesses you.

“Set me as a seal upon your heart,

as a seal upon your arm.

For love as fierce as death,

jealousy is fierce as the grave.

Its flashes are flashes of fire,

the very flame of the LORD.

Torrential rain cannot quench this love,

neither can floods drown it!”

– Song of Solomon 8:6&7 – adapted by Andy

Sunday we conclude out time journeying into what Rabi Akiva called the Holy of Holies. We are going to end our series exploring its infinite beauty in ways even he, one of the greatest Rabi’s of all time, could not have comprehended.

Get in the zone with this amazing worship song from Jesus Culture. See you Sunday.

Pastor Andy